Your out of luck with going back in time however you can bounce back to place which is close to your heart. Once such place is Devala, lived here back in ’99.

Estate road is closed for public so as we entered we came across the estate jeep, as I slowed down to explain was surprised to see the manager recognising me which a warm gesture. Give us the way to explore.

Driving on the lone road is apart from words, we pulled over for photos we heard someone shouting at us. We looked at them and they were saying that elephants are there come back. Now I feel home sweet home, I felt as if the whole place was stuck on time. We quickly got into the car and drove straight up got to say this is not an easy road to bump into an elephant on its blind curvy roads as its small and deep on one side. With the shaking leg oh yes didn’t I tell you if I encounter an elephant on the next corner it’s going to nasty, this is the same zone in our past my dad had few deadly encounter with tiger & elephants.

With my heart pounding took the turn and lucky or unlucky nothing over there. Was not ready to visit the bungalow for various reasons, so did a circuit around the estate road.

Stopped for photos as I started narrating various incidence that happened in my childhood.